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Tag: restaurants

Text messaging platform that simplifies and improves the way companies reach and communicate with their audience


Customer Story: Korean Dumpling Business, Sarah’s Dumps

Almost every country in the world has some version of the dumpling. In Italy, it’s the ravioli, in Poland, the pierogi, in Japan, the gyoza and in Korea, it’s known as mandu. In 2019, Sarah Williams-Scalise and her husband Nate Williams-Scalise launched Sarah’s Dumps – a Charleston, South Carolina-based Korean dumpling business. Their mission? Share…
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Text Messaging for Restaurants: “Your Carryout Order is Ready!”

The whole world is hooked on texting. Collectively, billions of texts are sent and received every day. We get them from our friends, coworkers, schools, churches, professional offices, local businesses and more. Studies show that 98% of texts get read within the first three minutes of being received. So why is text messaging for restaurants…
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