(844) 407-1996

Author: Tanya Mulqueen

Text messaging platform that simplifies and improves the way companies reach and communicate with their audience


Fundraising Event Donations Skyrocket with Digital and Text Marketing Strategy

Each year, more than 600,000 individuals are released from state and federal prisons, with more than 67% of them being rearrested within three years. Having a positive reentry experience is vital in breaking the cycle of incarceration dependence and helping people readjust to life outside of prison. Since June of 2000, LINC, Inc. has been…
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Customer Story: Korean Dumpling Business, Sarah’s Dumps

Almost every country in the world has some version of the dumpling. In Italy, it’s the ravioli, in Poland, the pierogi, in Japan, the gyoza and in Korea, it’s known as mandu. In 2019, Sarah Williams-Scalise and her husband Nate Williams-Scalise launched Sarah’s Dumps – a Charleston, South Carolina-based Korean dumpling business. Their mission? Share…
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Text Messaging for Restaurants: “Your Carryout Order is Ready!”

The whole world is hooked on texting. Collectively, billions of texts are sent and received every day. We get them from our friends, coworkers, schools, churches, professional offices, local businesses and more. Studies show that 98% of texts get read within the first three minutes of being received. So why is text messaging for restaurants…
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Texting Service Helps Non-profit Exceed Fundraising Goal by 25%

For over 42 years, Serra Center has been providing compassionate care for individuals with developmental disabilities in the San Francisco Bay Area – offering community-based residential care homes, independent and supported living services. Like many non-profits, government funding doesn’t cover all expenses, leaving the organization reliant on donations and fundraising efforts to keep everything running.…
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6 Reasons Why Texting for Food Trucks is a Great Idea

Just like any brick-and-mortar restaurant, there are numerous responsibilities food truck owners manage every day. Food cost, operating expenses, local regulations, and of course, cooking…the list goes on and on. As a food truck owner, one tool you can use to simplify your food service, drive sales and increase customer satisfaction is texting. Using technology…
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6 Reasons To Use Texting For Event Communications

Event planners know that effectively communicating timely information to attendees, speakers, volunteers or vendors is key to running a smooth event.  Email tends to be at the heart of most event communication strategies, but many attendees only check email intermittently. According to a recent email benchmarking study, event and entertainment industry emails have an open…
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